Carbs or No Carbs for Dinner???

4 min readJun 29, 2020


Dinner! Dinner! Dinner!

Should we eat dinner?

Should we not eat dinner?

What to eat for dinner?

Small Dinner? Big Dinner?

Dinner like a king?

Dinner like a pauper?

We are all so confused!

Always CONFUSION, Right??

Okay, Let us just clear all of them. There are a lot of myths that come to my mind when I talk about dinner. What should I eat for dinner and when should I stop?

Well, Dinner is an important meal, guys.. It is one the 3 main meals that we do each day. Skipping dinner is not the best idea. Always remember, food for us is survival. We are alive because of the food we eat and the air we breathe.

Skipping meals is not the solution. Instead, you should focus on eating the right food at the right time. Remember the time when you ate soup and salads for dinner? And then, just wouldn’t get sleep and your stomach would growl and then you wake and open the fridge and then eat the whole bowl of kheer or custard that was lying for the children? Lol!!Well, that’s what tends to happen if you don’t eat a proper dinner.

Now, when it comes to the size of the meal, always remember your dinner must be a meal smaller than your lunch. Because, waking hours post dinner are 4 hours shorter than waking hours post lunch.. SIMPLE, Right?? This is called CHRONOBIOLOGY.


The power of your Circadian Rhythm. So, because we have larger waking hours, we have more physical activity, Lunch can be BIGGER. But, dinner should be SMALLER.

Should dinner be without carb?

Not at all..

Small amount of carb is important because carb is also important as a filling value and also very very essential for you to get good quality sleep. If your tummy is full, your sleep will be sound. If you sleep well, you automatically HEAL well, GROW well, REPAIR well.

Sleep is a very crucial factor we all must be taking good care of. And without carbs in your dinner, Sleep becomes a little tricky. The earlier we eat dinner, the better it is. Yes, definitely, because then you get larger waking hours, Right? If you eat dinner at 7 and you still go to bed at 11, you have longer waking hours Vs. if you eat dinner at 9 or 10 and then go to sleep immediately at 12. So, the earlier you eat dinner. Yes, it’s definitely a better idea.

Dinner shouldn’t be very heavy. I also want you guys to be acquainted with a term called “FAT HANGOVER”. Heard of that one before??

Well, if you eat a very large meal at dinner time, your body has to digest this very large meal even while you are sleeping.

So, what the body can do during its sleep in terms of wear and tear, repair, growth and that hurt you got that should be healed? Or your hair should be becoming stronger, your skin should be glowing brighter ? Your body can’t concentrate on any of that because you ate that big, large meal and all through the night your digestive system was working to digest that food, extract the calories, assimilate the waste and all that process tired you all through the night when you were sleeping and you wake up next day morning feeling fatigued. Notice that before??

Like, when you eat very heavy, the next day in the morning, you will never wake up fresh. You will always wake up burned out. So, that’s known as a FAT HANGOVER.

So, if you want to avoid that, make sure you don’t have a binge meal at dinner time. I know, we all like to eat good dinners because it’s a meal with the family. And, then you eat hot hot food and not cold food just like in the office. But yet, please try to keep your dinner smaller.

One easy trick to do that- Make sure you eat a substantial snack during the evening. If the gap between your lunch and dinner is too much, you will tend yo eat large dinner. But, if you want to save that, eat a good evening snack. It could be a bhel, it could be a sandwich, anything simple. If you eat a good evening snack, automatically dinner can be a smaller meal so that you sleep better and also FEEL better the next day in the morning.

I hope that clears all your doubts and queries that you may have about your dinner and the size of your dinner.




Written by Wordsbymeenakshi

Experienced writer, blogger, creative copywriter, avid reader with 6 years of experience in writing quality-rich and well-informed copies.

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