Feel The Fear and Get Rid Of It Anyway..
Let’s talk about fears for a minute.
Fear is an auto-response to past painful experiences and the unknown. It’s a defense mechanism that responds to danger signals.
Healthy fears keep us from walking off the cliff’s edge. Unhealthy fears keep us from being open and vulnerable.
Day-to-day fears may cause a person to experience some level of anxiety. Feeling frightened can be an unpleasant experience, but attempting to completely suppress fearful emotions is not always a wise choice.
So what is an ideal solution?
Exposure works better than avoidance on the physiological front by bringing about nervous system habituation, which is the physiological antidote to anxiety.
Confronting your fear instead of stepping back brings about a sense of accomplishment. Every time you meet eyeball-to-eyeball with your fears, you acquire empowerment while your anxiety loses strength (I can understand, it’s difficult, but not impossible).
Every time you confront your fear, you accumulate evidence of your ability to cope.
Exposure ain’t a piece of cake. However, living in a prison of avoidance isn’t easy either, and it isn’t much of a life. The short term exposure is the price we must pay to buy a valuable long-term asset- a life free from goosebumps and nail-biting.
IGNORE” and “IGNORANT” are synonymous. Don’t be ignorant. Respect and listen to your fear, maybe for the first time in your life.
Do this because it’s here for a reason. Not just now, but always. Without it, you are living your life unknowingly blind and deaf, making wrong decisions that hurt not only you but also those surrounding you.
If you respect fear, you become sharp and intuitive, the way nature wants you to be.
Right now, for many of us fear has ignited a healthy flight response. But, for doctors, it has ignited a healthy fight response.
Such is the wisdom of fear.
I am learning to run towards my fears and those things that make me feel uncomfortable-WHY? To develop myself into the best me and to fulfill my true existence.
What I continue to observe is that most of the fears and worries I have, never actually happen. Instead what lies on the other side of my fears is pure bliss and freedom.
What is your experience with fear during these uncertain times?
How do you approach your fears?
Feel free to share your experiences!