Managing Restlessness As A Solopreneur
Panic sucks. Be it as an amateur or an adept.
One minute you’re fine. And the next moment, it crashes like a wave. You think you’re drowning. There’s high noise ringing your ears. The room spins. Your fingers are tingling and you believe this is the end!
Anxiety keeps you battling each day. And when you mix it with the uncertainty of solopreneurship, well, it feels impossible to handle.
Below are some tips to help you out. Try them and see how easy your life gets.
When you experience anxiety, step away from your screen (be it laptop or mobile). Your anxiety needs to wander. Every 30 seconds of movement will be better than letting the pulsing fear continue to do its damage. Pace a bit. Walk to your window. Stretch your arms and breathe.
Find your favorite coping techniques. For me, it’s cooking and music, going for a walk, texting my loved ones, etc. So, look for positive activities that you can sneak into your routine to help you recharge, reflect and move forward.
There’s no quick fix. But minor changes in your routine can help you feel like you have a better control over such situations.
If you are a solopreneur battling anxiety, know that you are not alone!!
Keep rising!