Some Quick Tips To A Happier Quarantine At Home
Ever since Corona attacked our lives as a deadly pandemic, it has influenced us to a certain extent. Leaving us with no exceptions, except SELF-QUARANTINE, the Coronavirus outbreak has delivered a heavy impact on our mental health too. And it has victimized all of us.
This period of self-isolation and loneliness brings along some fear, worry and concern among people, resulting in extreme rates of stress and anxiety. However, we can’t escape from the situation because we don’t even know how long it will last! So, let’s do our part and make the most of this time.
With this blog, I shall share a quick list on how you can manage your mental health, being under such tricky circumstances.
Tip 1: Connect Deeply
Since social distancing is most prevalent and an obvious choice these days, many of us have already started keeping ourselves busy at home. What if, social activities are banned, we can still connect with our friends, family and loved ones via WhatsApp and Facetime audio-video features. Earlier, we used to crib coz we didn’t have time to spend with our friends and family. And now, we have a hell lot of time.
Start making the most of it. Look after your old ones, talk to your parents, have fun with your siblings. In short, invest in your relationship, because that’s the wisest investment you will ever do. We can always learn something great even from the worst times, Right? And that’s what this situation teaches us. During these times, you come together with your family and friends, greet them and spend those lovely moments, so you don’t regret later. The more you bond with them, the more fun you will have and the happier you will be. Say NO to stress and YES to a happier lifestyle.
Tip 2: Get Back To Your Hobbies
Quarantined at home?? Amid the corona outbreak and with a few extra hours in hand, you can make yourself happy by getting back to your hobbies. At this moment, you can try new recipes, bake cakes and learn to make Dalgona Coffee (quite trending these days). Start enjoying your hobbies that once took a backseat in your life.
Beat the stress, pick up those long-lost hobbies, like dancing, cooking, planting, painting, singing and much more. These can be your escape from both boredom and stress. For me, Poetry is passion and I’m emotionally attached to it. So, I prefer jotting my thoughts on paper, making the most of my poetic skills.
Tip 3: Make Sure Your Routine Is Well-Managed
There is a lot said about how a well-managed routine delivers a positive impact in your lives. It keeps us healthy, mentally fit and active throughout the day. As our lives are turned upside down because of the COVID-19 outbreak, daily routine have been hampered altogether. But even through all this, mental health educators emphasize on maintaining structure and discipline in our lives. And, of course, there is no one-size fit all approach to such sort of things. There is unarguably a dissimilarity in a way we deal with our lives.
But we all are sailing on the same boat. To fight back with such a stressful situation, all you can do is following a balanced routine. Start with self-care, groom yourself, rise early to bed, practice yoga and meditation, have a balanced meal and so on. As the day progresses, keep it going. A little exercise at the start of your day can definitely do wonders. Stay on top of everything. Get a routine for yourself even if you are working from home. Last, but not the least, please stick to it.
I know things are getting tougher each day, but this too shall pass. Till then, take care of your body, skin, and just everything.
Follow these tips, and I’m sure you will have a splendid time ahead!
Happy Quarantine!